it really is that brutal having your family and friends shun you that many unfortunately do actually take their own lives including Steve Letts nephew.
Yes it is. It is even worse than losing your family and friends which is traumatic.
You lose your religion. Your entire community. Remember that as JWs you don't have outside associations. So zap. Every person in your life will turn their back on you.
You have been betrayed by the very people you are supposed to trust the most and who are supposed to guide and protect you.
Worse still is that you lose your identity. Ask a JW who are you and most of the time they will say they are JWs. Before work. Before marital status. "I AM A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS". That is who they are. They have been taught from the beginning that being a JW is who they are and is the only thing that will save them. Without that identity they are doomed to have a miserable life and die alone.
They have been taught to avoid ex-JWs and oddly, after leaving, many still think they have to avoid ex-JWs because that will make their lives even worse.
Many don't have post-secondary educations so getting a job and supporting themselves is harder.
If they have a family they may believe that the family is better off without them.
It is extremely depressing to go through a traumatic experience like this. Depression, severe, debilitating depression goes with the trauma. And since JWs are generally warned not to seek therapy/counseling, that door is closed to them too.
Believing they have absolutely nothing left, many think they should just quit living.
Being disfellowshipped is one trauma. The shunning multiplies that more than a hundred times over.